Devialet: from technology to cash and vice versa

As the flagship of French technology, the Devialet acoustic engineering company has had to prove its worth and attract investors throughout its development.
All campaignsCorporate & RSE

The pitch

As the flagship of French technology, the Devialet acoustic engineering company has had to prove its worth and attract investors throughout its development.

The French Touch was limited to the Entertainment or Lifestyle sectors, and made in France was not yet a “brand” that resonated with the media… We created a story around French engineering in a hi-fi sector previously dominated by German or Japanese know-how.

Throughout this adventure, which is still ongoing, our contribution helped to create the groundwork for a fund-raising round that brought together France’s leading business angels.

The strategy

We helped promote technological advances to attract funds and give engineers the means to turn investment into innovation.

The results

By generating no less than 114.5 M estimated contacts* in one year in statutory media, we have supported the development of this French Tech nugget by turning technology into cash and cash into technology.

* Source: Kantar Media 2011-12

CorpoFund raisingHigh-techRPStart-up