Axe: from buzz to engagement

Axe, a brand of cosmetics and hygiene products for young men owned by the Unilever group, was launched in France in 1983.
All campaignsMedia & Public Relations

The pitch

Axe, a brand of cosmetics and hygiene products for young men owned by the Unilever group, was launched in France in 1983.
A genuine marketing success story in the hygiene and beauty category in supermarkets, Axe is facing increased competition from new entrants with promises borrowed from the world of sports.
For the launch of the brand’s latest fragrance innovation, Apollo, Axe commissioned FHCOM to create a favorable context for the campaign.
A challenge of “ordered” virality aimed at traditional media (and not just social networks) to engage both the purchasing manager and a target of Gen Z users at the time of the overall campaign, beyond the product.

The strategy

Our approach: working with symbols!

By “starring” the astronaut (the central character of the advertising campaign) to arouse curiosity, with personalized content for the magazine press and the infiltration of a crew of astronauts at major events with high “telegenic” potential (soccer matches, cinema previews, etc.).

The results

20 audiovisual releases.

Ad hoc shootings featured in magazines like GQ.

BuzzPersonal careRadio & TVRPViral campaign